Benjamin A Katz
Stony Brook University
For full academic CV, click the icon below:
Available online
Clark, K. A., Pachankis, J. E., Dougherty, L. R., Katz, B. A., Hill, K. E., Klein, D. N., & Kujawa, A. (in press). Adolescents’ sexual orientation and behavioral and neural reactivity to peer acceptance and rejection: The moderating role of family support. Clinical Psychological Science.
Katz, B. A., & Yovel, I. (2022). Mood symptoms predict COVID-19 pandemic distress but not vice versa: An 18-month longitudinal study. PloS one, 17(9), e0273945.
Strauss, A.Y., Halaj, A., Zalaznik, D., Fradkin, I. Katz, B.A., Zlotnick, E., Barzilay, S., Anderson, G.A., Ebert, D.D., & Huppert, J.D. (2022). Internet delivered guided cognitive behavioral self-help for panic disorder: An open trial and benchmarking study. Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, 32(1), 73-83. doi: 10.1016/j.jbct.2021.12.005 [pdf]
Friedman, A., Katz, B .A., Elishevits, Y. & Yovel, I. (2022). Increasing the flexibility of implicit personality assessment: An examination of a universal assessment procedure of the self. Journal of Personality Assessment 104(4), 532-547. doi: 10.1080/00223891.2021.1957904. [pdf]
Katz, B.A. & Yovel, I. (2022). The cognitive coping model of reinforcement sensitivity: A longitudinal analysis, Journal of Affective Disorders, 301, 117-129. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2022.01.017. [pdf] [data/syntax]
Yovel, I., Aviram, G., Kahana, N. & Katz, B.A. (2022). Testing a new indirect measure of general self-worth: The Self-esteem Questionnaire-based Implicit Association Test. British Journal of Social Psychology. doi: 10.1111/bjso.12472 [pdf] [data/syntax/preregistration]
Zalaznik,D., Strauss, A.Y., Halaj, A., Barlzilay, S., Fradkin, I., Katz, B.A., Ganor, T., Ebert, D.D., Andersson, G., Huppert, J.D.. (2021). Patient alliance with the program predicts treatment outcomes whereas alliance with the therapist predicts attrition and adherence in Internet-based therapy for panic disorder. Psychotherapy Research. [pdf]
Katz, B. A., Naftalovich, N., Matanky, K., & Yovel, I. (2021). The dual-system theory of bipolar spectrum disorders: A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 101945. doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2020.101945. [pdf] [data/syntax]
Friedman, A., Katz, B.A., Halevy-Cohen, I., & Yovel, I. (2020). Expanding the scope of implicit personality assessment: An examination of the Questionnaire-Based Implicit Association Test (qIAT). Journal of Personality Assessment. doi: 10.1080/00223891.2020.1754230. [pdf] [data/syntax/preregistration]
Katz, B. A., Matanky, K., Aviram, G., & Yovel, I. (2020). Reinforcement sensitivity, depression and anxiety: A meta-analysis and meta-analytic structural equation model. Clinical Psychology Review, 101842. doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2020.101842. [pdf] [data/syntax]
Katz, B.A., Breznitz, H., & Yovel, I. (2019). Gain through pain: Augmenting in vivo exposure with enhanced attention to internal experience leads to increased resilience to distress. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 113, 9-17. doi: 10.1016/j.brat.2018.12.001. [pdf]
Currie, C. J., Katz, B.A., & Yovel, I. (2017). Explicit and implicit shame aversion predict symptoms of avoidant and borderline personality disorders. Journal of Research in Personality, 71, 13-16. doi: 10.1016/j.jrp.2017.08.006. [pdf] [data/syntax]
Katz, B.A., Asis, Y., Lustig, N., & Yovel, I. (2017). Measuring regulation in the here and now: The development and validation of the State Emotion Regulation Inventory (SERI). Psychological Assessment, 29(10), 1235-1248. doi: 10.1037/pas0000420. [pdf]
Katz, B.A., Catane, S., & Yovel, I. (2016). Pushed by symptoms, pulled by values: Promotion goals increase motivation in therapeutic tasks. Behavior Therapy, 47, 239-247. doi: 10.1016/j.beth.2015.11.002. [pdf]
Miron-Shatz, T., Hanoch, Y., Katz, B.A., Doniger, G.M., & Ozanne, E.M. (2015). Willingness to Test for BRCA1/2 in high risk women: Influenced by risk perception and family experience, rather than by objective or subjective numeracy. doi: 2015-54495-008. Judgment and Decision Making, 10, 386-399. [pdf]
Programming & Software Skills
BrainVision Analyzer
Microsoft Excel
Analytic Techniques
Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM)
Meta Analysis
Network Analysis
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)